Nuisance Properties
A word about Building Code and Nuisance Abatement
Code and Nuisance Abatement are procedures used by local
governments to protect individuals and property from health and
safety hazards that could cause injury, loss of life, or damage.
These regulations are designed to help protect all of the
individuals in the community including property owners. They
address: 1. Health, 2. Fire protection, 3. Structural safety and
hazards, and 4. Maintenance. When used as guidelines for
individual property owners, they frequently can increase the
value of the property.
When property or property conditions do not meet code
requirements, a written notice/order is sent to the owner, and
is also posted at the property. The notice/order states the
problem, and also states a time limit for the correction of the
problem. The notice/order remains against the property until
corrected by the person cited.