Toledo Skyline

Contact Directory


Court Telephone Numbers

COURTROOM #2 (419) 245-1869

TRAFFIC/CRIMINAL (419) 936-3650
CIVIL (419) 936-3650
SMALL CLAIMS (419) 936-3650
TRUSTEESHIPS (419) 936-3650

For Homeowners


Foreclosure Information Directory


Save the Dream Ohio/strong>

Ohio Department of Commerce
7 am - 7pm/M-F
1-888-404-4674 (for property owners) (for tenants/renters)


Foreclosure Intervention Hotline
24 hours/7 days a week
Ohio Home Rescue Fund managed by the
Homeownership Preservation Foundation

Legal Aid of Western Ohio (LAWO) &
Advocates for Basic Legal Equality

Legal Services
(419) 724-0640 1-888-534-1432


Consumer Credit Counseling of
Northwest Ohio

HUD-certified counseling agency
(419) 531-2227 1-800-355-2227


Lucas County Treasurer
Payment plans for delinquent taxes
Payment plans for current taxes
(419) 213-4305


Lucas County Veteran Services
Mortgage assistance to veterans
(419) 213-6090


Lucas County Auditor
Information to challenge your property value
(419) 213-4406


NeighborWorks Toledo Region
Foreclosure rescue assistance
(419) 691-2900


Northwest Ohio Development Agency
Foreclosure Counseling
(419) 243-3734


Toledo Bar Association
Legal services
(419) 242-9363


Toledo Fair Housing Center
Predatory lending remediation program
(419) 243-6163


Empowering & Strengthening Ohio's
People (ESOP)

Loan modifications
(419) 464-9885


Adelante LRC
Bilingual homeownership and financial literacy
(419) 244-8440


WGTE Public Media


For Tenants

Toledo Municipal Court Housing Resources  
Citizen's Dispute and Mediation 419-245-1951
Housing Specialist 419-245-3131 or
Civil Clerk's Office
(Rent Escrow and Evictions)
Small Claims Court 419-245-1926
Foreclosure Information for Tenants  
Save the Dream Ohio 888-404-4674
Legal Assistance  
Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. (ABLE)* 419-255-0814
Legal Aid of Western Ohio (LAWO)* 419-724-0030
Legal Aid Line of Western Ohio 419-724-0460
Toledo Bar Association 419-242-9363
* These agencies are affiliated non-profit law firms that provide free high-quality civil legal assistance in civil matters to income-eligible individuals in northwest Ohio.
Non-Profit Assistance Organizations  
Ability Center of Greater Toledo 419-885-5733
Area Office on Aging of NW Ohio, Inc. 419-382-0624
Catholic Charities 419-244-6711
Fair Housing Center 419-243-6163
Lucas Metropolitan Housing Authority
(for subsidized housing applications)
Lucas County Resources
Recycling Drop-off Locations 419-213-2230
Household Hazardous Waste 419-213-2230
Health Department 419-213-4100
Auditor's Office 419-213-4420
Keep Toledo/Lucas County Beautiful 419-213-6420
City of Toledo Resources  
Air-Water-Land-Noise Pollution 419-936-3015
Building Inspection 419-245-1220
Carbon Monoxide Detection 419-936-1245
City Council 419-245-1050
Dead Animal Pick-up 419-936-1000
Debris in Streets (During Business Hours) 419-936-2523
                       (After Business Hours) 419-245-1000
Department of Economic and Community Development 419-245-1400
Dog Warden 419-255-6119
Fire Hydrants - Damaged 419-245-1000
Flooded Streets/Basements 419-936-2924
Illegal Dumping 419-255-STOP (7867)
Large Item Pick-Up 419-936-2515
Leaf Pick-up 419-936-2523
Litter 419-245-1000
Mayor's Action Line 419-936-2020
Mosquito Control 419-726-7891
Neighborhood Improvement Foundation of Toledo 419-244-5998
Nuisance Abatement 419-936-3600
Parking - On Street 419-245-1300
Parking Violations 419-245-3255
Pavement Maintenance 419-936-2523
Pothole Hotline 419-936-BUMP
Sanitary Sewer Maintenance 419-936-2924
Sidewalk Inquiries 419-245-1350
Snow Removal 419-936-2523
Storm Sewer Maintenance 419-936-2924
Street Light Outages 800-447-3333
Street Repair/Cleaning 419-936-2523
Water Discoloration/Rusting 419-242-5040
Water Loss/Theft 419-245-1800
Water Quality Information 419-936-3020
Curbside Recycling Information
City of Toledo 419-936-CITY (2489)
Village of Ottawa Hills 419-536-1111